1. Open Notepad from Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories.
2. Type all of this scripts into the Notepad:
var vbCancel = 2;
var vbYesNoCancel = 3;
var vbYes = 6;
var vbNo = 7;
var vbQuestion = 32;
var vbInformation = 64;
var natan = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
var pesan1 = 'Pilihan Buka Command (CMD) Made In Snapy:\n\n'+
'[YA] Pilih YA! Untuk Instal.\n'+
'[Tidak] Pilih Tidak! Untuk UnInstall/Membatalkan.\n'+
'[Keluar] Pilih Keluar! Jika Anda Ingin Keluar.\n\n'+
'[Snapy Best Place For Print By http://snapindo.multiply.com!]\n\n'+
'-> Anda Ingin Mencoba? Instal Sekarang'
var tanya = natan.popup( pesan1,0,'Buka Command',
if (tanya == vbYes)
natan.RegWrite( 'HKCR\\Directory\\shell\\tan\\',
'-> Buka Command!','REG_SZ');
natan.RegWrite( 'HKCR\\Directory\\shell\\tan\\command\\',
natan.RegWrite( 'HKCR\\Drive\\shell\\tan\\',
'-> Buka Command!','REG_SZ');
natan.RegWrite( 'HKCR\\Drive\\shell\\tan\\command\\',
pesan2 = 'Terimakasih Anda Telah Menginstal Snapy Command / CMD, Klik Kanan Menu STAR (Kiri Bawah)Lalu Pilih Command!'
natan.popup(pesan2,0,'Buka Command',vbInformation);
else if (tanya == vbNo)
pesan3 = 'Udah Kelar Di UnInstall Bro!'
natan.popup(pesan3,0,'Buka Command',vbInformation);
natan.popup('Terimakasih Sudah Berkunjung. Copyright � 2009 snapy.co.id. all right reserved.',0,'Buka Command',vbInformation);
3. Save it with the name shortcmd.js. Don't forget to change the Save as type option from Text Document(*.txt) became All Files(*.*).
4. Execute the program from the command prompt by typing command cscript shortcmd.js.
5. When the program windows appear, click the Yes button to Install the shortcut. If you want to uninstall it, click the No Button. Simple isn't it?
6. Finally, right click on the start menu button or the drive&folder of windows explorer then choose "-> Buka Command!". The command prompt will appear by it self and ready to use.
Give it a try...
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